UNLTD Safeguarding Policy Statement
As members of Unlimited Church, we dedicate our church community to the care, encouragement, protection, and safeguarding of all, particularly the young and vulnerable. This commitment applies especially when safeguarding matters arise, regardless of the type of abuse or when and where it occurred. We acknowledge that responsibility for the well-being of children, young people, and adults at risk is shared by the entire church community.
We are dedicated to operating in line with current legislation, guidance, national frameworks, and Diocesan Safeguarding procedures. Furthermore, we will act openly, transparently, and responsibly, collaborating with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Children and Adult Social Care Services, the Police, Probation Services, and other relevant agencies to protect children and adults at risk. Staff and volunteers are recruited in accordance with safer recruitment practices.
This means we will ensure that those employed or volunteering to work with children, young people, and adults at risk are suitably recruited for their roles, that they understand their responsibilities, and that they are supported in carrying them out.
Defining Vulnerable Adults, Children, and Young People
We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that any of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives. However, there are particular groups of people who need special care:
Children and Young People:
In this policy, as in the Children Acts 1989 and 2004, a child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. Therefore, “children” refers to both children and young people, and these terms are often used interchangeably. The term “young people” typically describes those of secondary school age (11 to 17 years), while “children” often refers specifically to those aged 0 to 10.
Adults Who May Be Vulnerable Include Those With:
A sensory or physical disability or impairment
A learning disability
A physical illness
Mental ill health (including dementia), whether chronic or acute
An addiction to alcohol or drugs
The failing faculties of old age
A permanent or temporary reduction in physical, mental, or emotional capacity brought on by life events (e.g., bereavement, trauma, or past abuse)
Unlimited Church will follow the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and Guidance for Parishes when recruiting staff and volunteers, adhering to the latest legal requirements and national church guidelines.
Staff and volunteers working with children, young people, or adults at risk will be trained about their responsibilities. Training will be provided during their induction, and additional sessions will be held when required. Training may include preparation for reporting concerns, scenario planning for disclosures, and guidance on recognising signs of abuse (e.g., physical injury) or behaviours indicative of abuse by others. Volunteers and staff will also receive information about the appropriate contacts for reporting concerns.
Reporting and Allocations
Unlimited Church is committed to responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation. We are dedicated to providing pastoral care for victims and survivors of abuse and others affected. We will listen to and take seriously all disclosures of abuse and immediately report them to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser and statutory agencies.
Concerns about the well-being and safety of children, young people, or adults at risk can be reported to our safeguarding officer, a member of the Diocese of Exeter Safeguarding Team, or any of the agencies listed on safeguarding posters displayed in the church.
Unlimited Church will cooperate fully with the Diocese of Exeter and all appropriate statutory agencies during investigations into abuse, including allegations against members of the church community.
Although we are a Bishop’s Mission Order, we follow the guidelines in the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and guidance for Parishes regarding the provision of pastoral care for children, adults at risk, their families, and any member of the church community against whom an allegation is made.
Working With Those Who ‘Present’ as a ‘Risk’
In consultation and partnership with the Diocese of Exeter Safeguarding Team and other agencies, we will follow the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and guidance for Parishes.
We will respond promptly to individuals who may pose a risk to others, including those with a history of violent offences or offences against children or vulnerable adults.
Where deemed suitable by the Diocese of Exeter Safeguarding Team, and where we believe it is possible and safe, we will provide access to worship, pastoral care, and supervision for such individuals. Unlimited Church will care for and monitor any member of the community who may pose a risk to children or adults while maintaining appropriate confidentiality and prioritising the safety of all parties.
Agreed by the Trustees of Unlimited Church:
Date: November 2024
Signed on their behalf by: Matt Clayton
Next Review Date: November 2025
If you have any concerns regarding the safety or welfare of someone under 18 years old or an adult at risk, please speak to any of our Leadership Team or contact our Safeguarding Team or our Church Leader Matt Clayton or call 07903 400674.
If there is an immediate risk of harm to an individual you should dial 999 and report your concern to the police.
If you are concerned about a child, young person or vulnerable adult. Please complete the form here.
Matt Clayton - Church Leader
We are currently recruiting a new Safeguarding Lead who will be the first person to speak to if you have any concerns around the welfare of a child or adult at risk. At the moment the team are covering this. Please do speak to them on a Sunday or email -
We work with a formal safeguarding policy. If you would like to see it or have questions about Unlimited’s safeguarding practice, contact Matt Clayton.
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
Costa Nassaris
Tel: 01392 294969
Mobile: 07809 339501
Email: costa.nassaris@exeter.anglican.org
If you are a child and you need to talk to someone about things that are happening to you that you don’t like, please visit the Childline website, or telephone Childline on 0800 1111
The Church of England’s Safeguarding Policy Statement for Children, Young People & Adults, ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ can be found here -
Children: Devon Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): 0345 155 1071
Adults: Devon Care-Direct: 0345 155 1007
Domestic Abuse Service: 0345 155 1074
Devon & Torbay Rape Crisis: 01392 204174
If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call Childline - 0800 1111