UNLTD (formally Unlimited Church) is a multi-generational church set up by the Bishop of Exeter and (now Bishop of Plymouth) with a specific task of reaching the unreached rising generations in Exeter. Our mission and vision are centred on creating a supportive and nurturing environment for young people to find out who God really is, and come alive as they connect with him.

We’re proud that we have always been known as a pioneering community that takes faith out of the church building and initiates conversations in ordinary spaces for young people. From Easter 2023 to July 2024, we’ve had the opportunity to speak to around 10,000 young people. This has largely been due to our work with UNLTD Coffee and chaplaincy work in schools, Exeter College, and with the Scouts. Over the last 12 years, we’re proud to have made a significant difference in the lives of young people in Exeter, its surrounding towns and villages, and further afield.


Our aim is to help young people embrace the life that God has for them. We aim to achieve this by actively engaging in conversations—whether gradually over time or more immediately—focused on (and not necessarily in this order!):

  1. Big questions of faith, life, and meaning.

  2. Speaking about what it means to be known and loved by God.

  3. Addressing unhelpful beliefs and practices that entangle them.

  4. Finding, knowing, and pursuing the life that God has given them.

  5. Fixing their eyes on Jesus and letting go of the things that hold them back from that life.

It’s estimated that 86% of all people in the church in the UK joined before the age of 25. We’ve often been called a Youth Church - this isn’t quite the self-definition of who we are. We have been and always want to be a multi-generational family church that does everything possible to make meaningful connections with those aged between 14 and 24. It was recently said that around 2% of people aged between 16-25 in the UK are in church. If that number drops by 0.3%, they will be classed as an ‘unreached people group’.


Unlimited has always wanted to be a church that goes out into the world, connecting with young people in their spaces, as well as inviting them back into the church. We’re passionate about connecting with young people who are not connected with a local church and so do our best to engage in a number of initiatives and invitations to support youth in our community.

Out of that vision, UNLTD Coffee was born, originally funded by Safer Exeter in response to our work with county lines. Between Easter 2023 to Summer 2024, we’ve engaged with over 10,000 young people through our chaplaincy roots and work closely with Exeter College, local schools, and Exeter Scouts, going out to meet youth in spaces where they’re already comfortable.


We are committed to creating spaces where young people can thrive. All our activities are designed to foster relationships and community. We also make spaces that are really easy for young people to enter the church space. A few examples are Toastie Tuesday—a space for Exeter College students to come and hang out, have a free toastie, and make connections with us. We do quite a bit with Exeter University students, providing Hangouts in homes and then running Late Late Hangouts, opening our doors to provide an alternative space when the clubs opposite our building are open from 12-3am.

There are many ways to get involved and support our mission. Financial contributions make a significant difference, and more information is available here.

You could sponsor a coffee (pay it forward) so we can give free coffees to younger people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it.

We’ve had quite a bit of work done on the coffee trailer and still have more to go; if you wanted to cover the costs for the work, it would be so appreciated.

Volunteer opportunities are available for those who want to make a hands-on impact. Sign up through our connect form to start an initial conversation.

We also seek to partner with other youth and community projects and churches, offering support and sharing resources.


We’d love to invite you to join us both on Sundays and during the week. Our Sunday services are always welcoming, and you can often find us in the park! Connect with us on WhatsApp at 07903 400674 or email matt@unltd.church.